Automation in Quebec: how advanced technologies are revolutionizing the world of work

Automation is a growing trend worldwide, including in Quebec. This technology enables companies to increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve the quality of their products and services. In this article, we'll take a look at the statistics and tables that illustrate the impact of automation on businesses and workers in Quebec.

Statistics on automation in Québec

According to a study by the Institut de la statistique du Québec, published in 2021, task automation in Quebec companies has increased steadily in recent years. In 2020, 31.4% of Quebec companies said they had automated at least one task, an increase of 6.5% on 2017.

The study also revealed that large companies were more likely to have automated tasks than small and medium-sized enterprises. In 2020, 56.1% of large Quebec companies (those with more than 100 employees) said they had automated at least one task, while only 20.4% of small companies (those with fewer than 20 employees) said the same. The table below illustrates this difference:

Implications of automation for workers

Automation has also had an impact on jobs in Quebec. While automation has enabled companies to increase their productivity, it has also led to the elimination of some jobs. According to a Conference Board of Canada study published in 2021, up to 42% of jobs in Quebec could be automated by 2035. The table below shows the percentage of jobs in each sector that could be automated:

However, it's important to note that automation can also create new jobs in new fields, such as artificial intelligence and robotics. According to the Association for Automation and Robotics in Canada, automation could create up to 43,000 new jobs in Quebec by 2025.

Despite the benefits of automation for businesses, it's important to consider the implications for workers. Workers need to be trained to work with new technologies, and companies need to be aware of the need to maintain a corporate culture that supports their employees.


In conclusion, automation is constantly evolving in Quebec and around the world. While it may lead to the elimination of some jobs, it can also create new ones and improve business productivity. Companies and workers must be ready to adapt to these changes if they are to remain competitive in the marketplace.

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